10 Things I Hate About You (or 10 Things You Do That Really Annoy Me) — Part 1

Ana Daniels
9 min readJan 25, 2022

This story is dedicated to those people that do things that really, really grind my gears.

Okay — so, I don’t really hate you…but I definitely despise some of the things you do. As you are reading this story, you may think you do none of the things on my list but can totally relate — welcome to the club! You might only do one, some or all of things I hate on my list. But you know who you are — don’t deny your guilt — own up to it and then…STOP IT!

10. Be more ‘pacific’

I’ve never really understood how you can use a completely incorrect word in place of the correct word. I know it sounds similar, but what the heck?

The number of times I’ve heard people say ‘pacific’ instead of ‘specific’ boggles my mind. Especially when they are trainers, or speakers or someone who is talking to a large group of people who holds some position of authority in the company.

Listen up — according to Dictionary.com –

Pacific — as an adjective can mean at peace; peaceful, calm, tranquil. As a noun, it is the Pacific Ocean.

