Like a (Born Again) Virgin

Ana Daniels
4 min readJan 14, 2022
Born again virgin tour 2022

I’m a Born Again Virgin

I pondered over whether I would write about this subject because, well, let’s face it — it’s very personal and some people might find it a bit confronting or uncomfortable to read — and, you might think I’m a loser. But that’s ok.

In my life, I have fallen in and out of love more than once, and about 11 years ago, I decided to throw in the love towel. That last relationship did not end well, and I was just really over being hurt…again.

Now, this article is not about who was wrong or right in my past relationships, and I’m not throwing myself a pity party; it’s about why I haven’t dated anyone since then, and as a result, haven’t ‘bumped uglies’ or ‘made love’ since then either.

Being a ‘born again virgin’ is obviously a tongue-in-cheek saying, because of course, you technically cannot be a virgin more than once.

But during my life, I have heard the phrase used many times, and always found it quite amusing, never really thinking it would be an appropriate title for me later down the track.

Back to my last relationship — when it finally ended, I just didn’t want to have anything more to do with guys. I wasn’t (and still am not) a member of the ‘I hate men’ club, but I’d just had enough, you know?

